Customer Testimonials

Here’s what some of our customers have to say about Signature Plumbing Services.


“I am so pleased by the service and workmanship provided by David Shores when he repaired the plumbing in my home. My house was built in the 1940s and has the original plumbing. There have been a number of issues with water flow, drainage and the need to make some replacements.

Dave responded quickly to my call, he was on time and reliable. He viewed each problem and explained the concerns that existed and possible actions. He let me know when work could wait and gave me information about what to look for if things needed immediate attention.

He answered all my questions and was patient if I did not understand. He was careful to keep my home clean and to respect my space. He was able to successfully resolve my needs at a reasonable and honest price. I felt so comfortable with Dave that I passed his name on to friends and neighbors in the hopes of insuring they had good service as well.

In this world of large corporations and indifference to customers Dave is a true exception, someone proud of his work and eager to please. I was happy to hear that he offers discounts to senior citizens and donates to rescue animals. He is a positive community member and cares about others. I plan to only use Dave in the future when I have to do additional plumbing work.”

Laura G.
Portland, OR

“David came to my house last week to plumb a new bathroom for my family. I had heard some great things about David through a couple of friends that had used him for some jobs recently and, like everyone else, wanted someone who came highly recommended. After seeing his work and having him work in my home for the better part of 2 days, I came to understand why my friends had spoken so glowingly about him.

Not only was his work immaculate (cleaning up every sign that he was even present-daily), he was so incredibly friendly and solicitous. On several occasions, he counseled me against what I was proposing because he thought it was unsound plumbing and would create unnecessary expenses for me and possibly more work for him in a few years (? What licensed plumber/laborer talks that way any more?!?).

David was a few minutes early each day and worked swiftly and quietly for the entire time he was here. Even more of a delight came when I saw him taking an interest in my son’s football and daughter’s singing (an expecting father himself). Simply a prince of a fellow.

David DeShores was professional, reliable, reasonable and so courteous…he was an absolute pleasure to have work for me. I, too, will sing his praises to my friends!”

Brian S.
Portland, OR